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2019 Seminars

1/24/19Dr. Owen CarmichaelPennington Biomedical Research CenterDiabetes and the Aging Brain
2/7/19Dr. John KirwanPennington Biomedical Research CenterTipping the Scale on Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes - Knife, Fork or Snickers
2/20/19Dr. Tamas HorvathYale University School of MedicineHunger Promotes Life
8/8/19Dr. Justin MooreWake Forest School of MedicineInnovative Approaches to Improve the Effectiveness of Clinical Weight Programs for Adolescents with Obesity
8/22/19Dr. Leanne RedmanPennington Biomedical Research CenterGreat expectations! Understanding energy balance to advance management of obese pregnancies
9/11/19Dr. Holly HullUniversity of Kansas Medical CenterIntervening to Change the Maternal Diet to Impact Maternal and Infant Health